Bibliography in English

I wonder what ancient literati would do if they find out about the effect of their past labour on the world as we know it today? Books burn badly, but can I make my "Gray Literature" immune to time in this blog, even without entering the canon, and thus achieve, like the great Authors, to elude the evanescence of human discourse throughout the natural languages ​​in their written version? The authorship position and the submission of linguistic evanescence highly motivate and obsess me. I want to believe that my writings will be useful to somebody, and therefore I am contributing with culture, with knowledge. I take into account my great responsibility and influence your mentality.

In this personal bibliographic section, I am sharing with you my published monographs and projects for future publications. Here you are:

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. O léxico português: inovação e criação de palavras.

O léxico português: inovação e formação de palavras é um tratado que resultou da pesquisa e do posterior estudo lexical dos diferentes vocábulos relativamente novos surgidos no português do Brasil durante os últimos anos, fruto do processo constante e ininterrupto da transformação do diassistema linguístico ao longo do eixo cronológico, evidência clara da vigente vitalidade da língua portuguesa em geral, e do geoleto brasileiro em particular.
  • Textual typology: Academic dissertation.
  • Topic: Portuguese linguistics; lexicology.
  • Tutor: Professor Sofía Raquel Oliveira Dias.
  • Date of publishing: 7th of September 2016.
  • Language: Portuguese with the Orthographic Agreement.
  • Extension: 30 pages, 7928 words.
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Authorial rights: Some rights reserved (CC 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives).
  • Price: Free.
  • DOI10.13140/RG.2.2.19372.95361.
  • Format: PDF only.
  • Distribution: Luar Blasco Pinheiro's Blog,, ResearchGate.

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. Portafolio de Español como Lengua Extranjera.

Portafolio de Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera es un tratado donde se tratan cuestiones relativas a la lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza de lenguas en general y del español en específico, la didáctica lingüística y se proponen actividades formativas para alumnos de determinados niveles de estudio según el Cuadro Europeo de Referencia de las Lenguas de la Unión Europea.

  • Textual typology: Academic dissertation.
  • Topic: Applied linguistics; teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
  • Date of publishing: 21st of July 2020.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Extension: 97 pages, 30124 words.
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: Centro de Estudios de Postgrado EDECA.
  • Authorial rights: Some rights reserved (CC 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives).
  • Price: Free.
  • ISBN or ASINWithout code (Grey Literature).
  • Format: PDF only.
  • Distribution: Luar Blasco Pinheiro's Blog.

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. La figura del traductor: apología en detrimento de la traducción automática.

El presente trabajo de fin de máster se trata de una disertación académica de investigación con el objetivo de cuestionar la operatividad de la traducción automática, en base a las evidentes limitaciones que esta presenta desde sus origines. La naturaleza ininterrumpidamente mutable y cuantitativamente vasta de los diasistemas lingüísticos, y la imposibilidad de configurar dichos sistemas de traducción automática a efectos tales como el trasvase de parámetros metalingüísticos y contextuales, restringen el uso de la traducción automática a un uso mayoritariamente “doméstico”; la supresión del rol del traductor de los procesos de resolución de problemas de comunicación humana es ciertamente inconveniente y prácticamente inviable, todavía.

  • Textual typology: Academic dissertation.
  • Topic: Translatology; machine translation.
  • Tutor: Professor Elísabet Rodríguez Moreno.
  • Date of publishing: 1st of April 2020.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Extension: 50 pages, 16993 words.
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: Universidad Nebrija and Euroinnova Formación.
  • Authorial rights: Some rights reserved (CC 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives).
  • Price: Free.
  • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16017.51041/1.
  • Format: PDF only.
  • Distribution: Luar Blasco Pinheiro's Blog,, ResearchGate.

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. A critical reflection on how serious educational games can be used to facilitate high quality teaching and learning in educational settings.

Games have been used by human societies from the beginning of times mainly for recreational purposes, and at some point, they have been implemented in the academic realm to enhance learning by combining amusement with instructional targets and also to boost, perhaps, students’ engagement too. Furthermore, and disregarding their uneven but extended practice among diverse educational settings and disciplines, it is yet problematic to establish their effectiveness in terms of factual quantitative and qualitative learning. For that reason, this essay intends to deepen our understanding on how and how much can games have a positive impact on pupils’ learning process, especially in educational settings and in terms of ensuring that high quality teaching takes place.

  • Textual typology: Academic dissertation.
  • Topic: Education; high quality teaching, game-based learning.
  • Date of publishing: 12th of August 2022.
  • Language: English.
  • Extension: 38 pages, 4000 words (in the essay text, plus appendixes).
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: University of Cumbria.
  • Authorial rights: Some rights reserved (CC 4.0: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives).
  • Price: Free.
  • DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22639.92328.
  • Format: PDF only.
  • Distribution: Luar Blasco Pinheiro's Blog,, ResearchGate.

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. Sobre a lusofonia.

Sobre a lusofonia é um tratado que tem por objetivo analisar e dilucidar de forma realista, equânime e pragmática, uma questão de uma transcendência significativa para as comunidades de língua portuguesa: A Lusofonia e o estado em que se encontra na atualidade, através da crítica de operatividade da instituição que a salvaguarda -a Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa ou CPLP- e a sua norma coesiva -o Acordo Ortográfico do português-. Sabemos que atualmente já não há uma língua portuguesa, há línguas em português. É isto conveniente?

  • Textual typology: Theoretical and linguistic essay.
  • Topic: Portuguese linguistics; situation of lusophony.
  • Collaborations: Prologue of Audo Morel da Silva.
  • Date of publishing: No scheduled date, in the process of creation.
  • Language: Portuguese with Orthographic Agreement.
  • Extension: 0 pages, 0 words.
  • Editorial: Self-publishing.
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: Looking for a sponsor.
  • Authorial rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.
  • Price: For sale, price to be specified.
  • ISBN or ASINIn the process of obtaining.
  • Format: Printed or electronic book.
  • Distribution: Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing.

Not available

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. Sobre la muerte del autor.

Sobre la muerte del autor es un tratado que tiene por objetivo descubrir quién fue el Autor, analizar qué papel le fue atribuido a lo largo de la historia, y averiguar las razones de su eliminación en el siglo XX por el movimiento de la deconstrucción literaria. Todo eso a la luz de los precedentes y asumiendo posteriormente la instauración de una nueva realidad cultural donde el Lector, aun huérfano del proceso de comunicación, adquiere entonces accidentalmente la incumbencia íntegra del diasistema lingüístico. La escritura es la destrucción de toda voz, el Autor entra en su propia muerte, nace el Lector. ¿Y ahora qué?

  • Textual typology: Theoretical and literary essay.
  • Topic: Theory of Literature; Literary theory of deconstruction.
  • Collaborations: No collaborations planned.
  • Date of publishing: No scheduled date, in the process of creation.
  • Language: Spanish
  • Extension: 0 pages, 0 words.
  • Editorial: Self-publishing.
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: Looking for a sponsor.
  • Authorial rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.
  • Price: For sale, price to be specified.
  • ISBN or ASINIn the process of obtaining.
  • Format: Printed or electronic book.
  • Distribution: Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing.

BLASCO PINHEIRO, Luar. Lírica experimental.

No abstract registered yet.

  • Textual typology: Compilation of poems.
  • Topic: Lyric experiment; author's poetry.
  • Collaborations: No collaborations planned.
  • Date of publishing: No scheduled date, in the process of creation.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Extension: 0 pages, 0 words.
  • Editorial: Self-publishing.
  • Design: Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • Sponsor: Looking for a sponsor.
  • Authorial rights: Copyright, all rights reserved.
  • Price: For sale, price to be specified.
  • ISBN or ASINIn the process of obtaining.
  • Format: Printed or electronic book.
  • Distribution: Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing.