Legal notice in English

Objective: This legal notice regulates all the content, products and services offered by Luar Blasco Pinheiro by the means that are used (whether they are from texts, photos, audio files, video or any type of material in which they fit digital and / or analogously later) from this blog or external links, as well as their use by the Users who access them.

Article 1: Intellectual identity and Creative Commons.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro has the relevant intellectual property rights recognized in the national (Spain) and international legal system, which regulate the usufruct of the moral and patrimonial rights that the law grants to the authors, for the fact of creating a genuine work, whether it is published, or still unpublished, or belonging to the group of what is known as "Gray Literature" or unconventional (the case of blogs) without the need to patent them, register them or leave them in legal deposit.

However, by personal disposition, the vast majority of the contents present in this blog are subject to a certain liberalization as they are associated with a Creative Commons license that allows its dissemination and use as long as the authorship of Luar Blasco Pinheiro is recognized, they are not marketed (in any way that produces economic or other benefits) or is subject to alterations, modifications, synthesis or manipulations of any kind. In the specific case that any content or product is subject to ordinary intellectual rights, the reader will be previously notified of said condition.

Article 2: Acceptance of use conditions for contents, products and services.

The use of the contents, products and services by a person confers the condition of User and implies full acceptance on their part of each and every one of the articles and conditions that are incorporated in this legal notice, and of all and each of the national laws in force (Spain) and internationally, regarding property rights. Luar Blasco Pinheiro may offer, through the blog, content or services that may be subject to particular conditions that, depending on the case, replace, complement and / or modify this legal notice, and of which the User will be informed in cases where those that are strictly necessary. However, Luar Blasco Pinheiro reserves the right to modify the appearance, configuration, content, products and services published on the website, in addition to the conditions required for its use. The use of the contents, products and services of Luar Blasco Pinheiro after the entry into force of modifications or changes in the conditions, in the event that this occurs and is added here, would obviously imply the immediate acceptance of these new conditions by the Users.

Article 3: Personal data.

Access to this blog does not imply that the User is obliged to provide any personal data. In the event that the User provides any personal information, the data obtained through this blog or other channels enabled in it will be used for the purpose, in the manner and with the limitations and rights established by the Organic Law. 15/1999 (Spanish), on Protection of Personal Data.

Regarding the personal data of the Users that are object of treatment, the rights of opposition, access and information, rectification, cancellation of their data and revocation of their authorization without retroactive effect may be exercised freely and free of charge, in the terms specified in the Organic. Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, in accordance with the legally established procedure. These rights may be exercised by sending a formal written communication in the contact form located at the bottom of the website, clearly indicating the reason for this communication.

When proceeding with the data collection, the voluntary or mandatory nature of the data collected will be indicated with an asterisk (*). The refusal to provide the data classified as mandatory will imply the impossibility of sending the communication. In fact, the data may be provided on a voluntary basis in order to speed up and / or facilitate the management of doubts, communications, complaints, rectifications, requests or any other type of management carried out by Luar Blasco Pinheiro at the User's request, optimizing the efficiency of the task to which it is related.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro will make available to Users who have established contact under any option or subscribed to the newsletter, the appropriate mechanisms to cancel, modify or postpone the object of contact, in case they consider it permanently through the form of contact located at the bottom of the blog.

Article 4: Responsible use of content, products and services.

The User agrees to use the content, products and services enabled by Luar Blasco Pinheiro in accordance with the law (Spain), with this Legal Notice, as well as with generally accepted practices on the Internet. The User is obliged to refrain from accessing this website for illegal purposes or effects, or contrary to what is established in this legal notice. By accessing the services offered on this portal, the User expresses their compliance with the legal notice and has the real commitment not to use them to send messages that defame or insult, or that contain misleading, inappropriate, abusive information, that hurts the feelings of others, are pornographic, threatening, harmful to the public image and / or private life of other people or of Luar Blasco Pinheiro, including acts that violate current national (Spanish) and international laws.

In general, it is established that the User agrees not to collect data for advertising purposes, not to send any type of online advertising and not to transmit, disseminate or make available to other people through the services provided by the blog of Luar Blasco Pinheiro, information, messages, graphics, sound files, photographs, recordings, software and in general any type of material, data or content that:

  • In any case, they contravene, disregard or violate the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally and in the rest of the legal system (Spain).
  • Induce, incite or promote criminal, defamatory or violent actions.
  • Induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions, attitudes or ideas based on sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, political ideology, beliefs or age.
  • Incorporate criminal, violent, subliminal or degrading messages.
  • They induce or incite to incur in dangerous, risky or harmful practices for the health and the individual psychic-ethical balance, of a group or of all humanity.
  • Are false, ambiguous, inaccurate or hyperbolic, so they can mislead their object or the intentions or purposes of the issuer.
  • They are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights that belong to other people or companies, without the User having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorization to carry out the use they make or intend to make within the Luar Blasco Pinheiro blog.
  • Violate the trade or interprofessional secrets of other people or companies.
  • Are contrary to the right to honor, personal and family privacy or people's own image.
  • Violate the regulations on secrecy of communications and telecommunications.
  • Due to their characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.) they cause complications or difficulties in the normal functioning of the Luar Blasco Pinheiro blog.

Luar Blasco may limit, insofar as it becomes aware of it, access to the site to opinions, information, comments, images and, in general, any type of material that violates the provisions of this clause. Luar Blasco Pinheiro reserves the right to install, if it deems it appropriate, filters for these purposes. The previous faculty does not imply in any way your intention to control the content that may be disseminated through your website, but a mere expression of your desire to avoid, as far as possible, that content from the network is transferred to the blog. or opinions that may be considered defamatory, racist, sexist, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, violent or in any way contrary to morals, public order or good customs, or that are clearly illegal for those who access them.

In accordance with the foregoing, Luar Blasco Pinheiro will have the right to immediately suspend the presentation of the service and, in this case, to avoid the alleged or declared illegal contents, whether they are carried out at its sole discretion, or at the request of someone or a competent authority. Such suspension or withdrawal will in no case entitle you to compensation or formal or informal excuse.

Article 5: Modification and suspension of the contents, products and services.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro may modify or suspend, temporarily or permanently, the service of his blog, at any time, with or without prior notice. Luar Blasco can hide or delete any comment or submission of material that he considers inappropriate. Luar Blasco Pinheiro does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the different contents, services and sections of its blog. When reasonably possible, Luar Blasco Pinheiro will give prior notice of interruptions in the operation of services, content and products. Luar Blasco Pinheiro does not guarantee the usefulness of the services for the development of any particular activity or their infallibility and, in particular, but not exclusively, that Users can effectively access the different sections that make up the menu area and publications, nor that information, data or content can be disseminated or made available through them, or access to information, data or content can be disseminated or made available to third parties.

Article 6: Cookies and external links.

Access to this website may imply the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each User so that the server remembers information that will then only be read by the server that stored it. Cookies generally have a limited duration. No cookie allows obtaining personal information. The only way that the private personal information of a User is part of the files called cookies is for the User to personally provide this information to the server. Users who do not wish to receive or send cookies or wish to be informed of their use or elimination can configure their browser for this purpose.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro may generate links to other web pages that do not belong to his domain, thus excluding him from any responsibility for them. If Luar Blasco Pinheiro becomes aware of a link that refers to an external page in which illegal, contrary to freedom or even inappropriate content is spread, he will remove said link. It is appropriate to remind readers that the blog is protected by sophisticated and reliable security systems provided by the Blogger server for the peace of mind of Users.

Article 7: Limitation of the author's responsibilities.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro does not assume any responsibility for the accessibility, continuity and availability of the related and linked websites. He does not guarantee or control the absence of viruses or other elements that may alter your computer system. Luar Blasco Pinheiro does not assume any responsibility for problems with the performance of the blog, loss of data or services caused by delays or blockages of the web, incorrect or not made deliveries. Nor does it assume contractual or extra-contractual liability for damages, both direct and indirect, that may be caused by the use or inability to use the services offered in this blog.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro will not be responsible for system crashes or errors in the operation of the blog, or the software used by the blog, for technical or other reasons that could not have been foreseen or avoided, acting with due diligence, in accordance with the rules and uses of the Blogger server. The use made of the website will be made at the risk and expense of the omniscient User.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro will make all reasonable efforts and means to provide updated and reliable information on the blog, however it does not assume any guarantee regarding the absence of errors, inconveniences or possible inaccuracies and / or omissions in any of the accessible sites. content, products and services of the page.

Luar Blasco Pinheiro does not assume any responsibility for damages of any nature that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the contents, and the suspensions of the service and, in particular, although not exclusively, the limitations of access to the different sections that make up the blog.

All the contents sent by the Users that imply opinions, statements or recommendations will be, consequently, opinions or statements of the Users, without being attributed to the identity and responsibility of Luar Blasco Pinheiro.

The User is solely responsible for any claim or legal, judicial or extrajudicial action, initiated by third parties against Luar Blasco Pinheiro based on the use of the site by the User. In this case, the User will assume the expenses, costs and compensation that are required from Luar Blasco Pinheiro as a result of such claims or legal actions.

Article 8: Respect for intellectual property and internationally recognized individual and collective freedoms.

The User must respect intellectual property. The use of products subject to the intellectual property of others may be for private use, but Users may not copy, reproduce, publish or use commercially or professionally without express written authorization by the creators when and where these contents are not subject to a Creative Commons license or any other special regime license.

The User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transformation and in general any other form of enrichment, in any way, of all or part of the contents and products of this blog constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of Luar Blasco Pinheiro and it will assume the pertinent legal actions that will be initiated without previous notice by the pertinent civil / judicial procedure, as long as it is not in accordance with the Creative Commons license of this blog.

The User guarantees that the information, material, content or observations that are not their own personal data and that are provided to Luar Blasco Pinheiro through its website, do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, or any other legal provision.

The information, materials, content or observations that the User enables to Luar Blasco Pinheiro are considered non-confidential, with Luar Blasco Pinheiro reserving the right to use them in the way it deems most appropriate, always without obtaining any economic or other benefit.

Article 9: Contact process between the User and the Author.

After completing the contact form found at the bottom of this website pages you can contact me. It is important that you tell and clearly expose the object of contact. Remember that in order to send it you must complete all the mandatory information (*) and click on "send", if you don't it will not work and it will not be possible to finally establish contact with me. This tool must be used for the purpose, form and limitations of this blog legal notice and the considerations established in each of its articles. If necessary, as soon as possible you will get an answer in the email you indicate me.

Article 10: Terms and conditions of service.

  • Luar Blasco Pinheiro is registered for legal and tax purposes in the United Kingdom, so the applicable law is the British one.
  • Client is any person, company or institution that requests the services of Luar Blasco Pinheiro.
  • The Client must provide some personal data and detailed information for the project budget. In fact, it is usually necessary to send the document or documents related to the project to be carried out for analysis and adequate budgeting.
  • The acceptance of the projects is subject to the availability of Luar Blasco Pinheiro and the particularities of the project or projects to be carried out.
  • The current rate is applied to the budget / invoice, since the rate shown on the website is merely indicative and general.
  • To accept the quote / invoice, the Client must pay the total amount indicated.
  • The execution of the projects only begins when the total amount indicated is received.
  • The deadlines or delivery dates of the projects are purely for reference, the project may be delayed for various reasons. Still, every effort will be made to ensure delivery as soon as possible. Luar Blasco Pinheiro is not responsible if there is a delay.
  • Modifying orders once the quote has been accepted and payment made, may mean adding fees to the quote / invoice that must be paid before proceeding with the projects.
  • In the event of project cancellation, the client loses the amount paid in full.
  • Luar Blasco Pinheiro respects the confidentiality of clients and projects at all times.
  • Luar Blasco Pinheiro keeps a copy of the projects for one year from their completion.
  • The Client can complain about the services of Luar Blasco Pinheiro by contacting him.
  • Luar Blasco Pinheiro is not responsible for any liability or compensation derived from projects carried out for clients, with the exception of sworn translations.
  • Luar Blasco Pinheiro follows the Code of Professional Conduct of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL).

Licença Creative Commons