Prologue in English

Dear convenient, procrastinating and pretentious Reader: Welcome to my blog.

Without attributing any merit to the casuistry, I am one of those people who believe that if not always, there is almost always a prevailing reason, an internal or external motivation that is the engine of our life at a given moment and forces us to do everything we do, the way we do it. Accepting the existence of these reasons, it would be ridiculous not to explain to you, in this introductory section, what were mine to gather time and effort, to create and provide this website with publications and content of different topics and considerations.

I openly admit without any shame the reason that led me to create this blog is basically a matter of authorship, I wanted to stop being just a Reader to become an Author-ish*, even knowing the aversion that this situation generates among the theoreticians of Literature. However, as my intention is not to create Literature itself, there is no problem, since the contents are published in a blogosphere we are simply dealing with "Gray Literature". To achieve this authorship goal, I prefer not to have a specific subject to dedicate my attention to, therefore this blog is a digression between everything in general and nothing in particular; personal interests are not monothematic, neither are mine, I am like everybody else. Even so, I prefer and usually write about my areas of knowledge, which are Philology, Linguistics, Translatology and Translation. Now that I can consider myself an Author, I can guarantee that it is a complicated position, perhaps sometimes unpleasant since it is necessary to bear the criticism of the Reader who is usually uncompromising, but as I continue to be an infallible Reader with the authors and I do not lack of empathy, I approve that you (Reader) criticize my writings at your whim, I think that is totally fine. In addition to this fundamental reason, when producing this digital publication, I also take the opportunity to write here what I want as I want when I want, thus avoiding censorship and control of those intolerant Readers who use and abuse their circumstantial position in the "Institution" of the communication scheme, to impose themes, styles and doctrines, and therefore controlling my libertarian intellect and its spontaneous manifestations.

While I am becoming a bit of an Author, I also intend to use this dynamic and effective tool -the blog- to unburden myself using words, which is truly the optimal way to do it. In addition, the fact of having chosen the Internet for this is not an occurrence, the net of networks is the most accessible vehicle today for the civilized people, the most economic, the one with the best reach and the one that most and best influences an audience heterogeneous and multicultural as Internet users are, isn't it? I like to see how technologies, altogether with the Internet, have completely changed our lifestyle, making it much easier and more practical. People like me, who like to write but are aware of the difficulty of publishing through ordinary channels -and that is why we are forced to publish "Gray Literature"- the change has been brutal, computer-based supports such as blogs have given us an unconditional opportunity and have opened up endless possibilities for us; posts are published and it is possible to observe in amazement the return that these writings take around the world in a matter of seconds, thanks to the existence of audience analysis tools that reliably analyse their impact in real time. I can't forget about digital self-publishing tools, they also allow physical and digital books to be published through ordinary ways without going through the cockiness of scrupulous publishing and editorial firms. Now, who wants to publish, has an acceptable text and the knowledge to edit it, can do it without problem, without the approval of anyone. All this may seem amazing to a person prior to the generation of digital technology hatch, it is usually a common reaction.

Regarding the quality of the writing, I must say that I know that words, like money checks, must have funds on them. Believe me when I tell you that I make an effort, so mines have them and the fact of considering myself a bit of an Author has not just been the simple chain's combination of inappropriate, incoherent words. I will frequently use technicalities, those that have to do with Linguistics and/or any other area of ​​knowledge, as you know, do not have orthographic differentiation from the rest of the words, despite which, those that have to do with Literature will be in quotation marks, since they are themselves metaphors that are circumstantially used to function in the scientific language of the matter when they should not, in this way we avoid the use of loanwords and lexical foreign words in some languages ​​and we approach more closely to the real meaning, since we know the etymological literal equivalence is inoperative in translation, semantic equivalence is always sought. I wonder what ancient literati would do if they found out about the effect of their labours on the world as we know it today? Books burn badly, but can I make my "Gray Literature" immune to time in this blog, even without entering the canon, and thus achieve, like the great Authors, elude the evanescence of human discourse throughout the natural languages ​​in their written version? It would be a small step for man, but a great step for humanity (on a personal level, of course). I am willing, I genuinely am. I want to think that this blog is going to be useful for someone and in that way, I am contributing with something out there, for something else. I want to be inspired and inspire likewise.

Saying the truth, it doesn't matter to me whether or not you read my website, what matters to me is that you enter and your visit is registered. The blog post format, even though it is "Gray Literature", is still a "product", and you can imagine that as a "producer", it interests me that you, "consumer", consume it. Excuse my frankness, all is said here. Ideally, after reading this prologue, you should go directly to reading the blog entries without consulting the authorship section (cf.) so that your "horizon of expectations" is not impoverished by the story of my life towards my missives. Please feel free from that heavy burden, so me, Author, as far as unconventional or "gray" Literature is concerned -as it is the case with this blog- I am already dead, and it will be with you Reader, with whom my writing becomes reality through the interpretation of my words in your conscience. As it could not be otherwise, I assume my great responsibility and influence your mentality. I know that indoctrinating you with my ideas is difficult and reprehensible, since they are free and since I hate that somebody to choose for me, I am not going to do the same with you, during the consultation of this page then acquire the role of freethinker, can it be?

Despite my ambition for authorship, I do not like monologues, I prefer dialogues because it is precisely much more enriching, I refer to the classical philosophical tradition, to mayeutics specifically. For this reason, I see with good eyes that the blog is an interactive platform in which Readers can in fact establish contact not only with the Author (with me), but also with each other and even with me ultimately in this cyber-conversation. For that purpose, I enable two ways; one of public nature, which is the comment form that you will find below each blog entries, and another of a private nature, which is the web contact form that is at the bottom of all the pages. If necessary, you will have an answer as soon as possible. Hey, you cannot comment or write anything in any way ah, you must do it respecting the legal notice of the blog (cf.) and submitting to my censorship, of course!

For informational purposes I would like to add that the vehicular languages ​​of this website, in its different sections, posts and publications are English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. I use those languages ​​to communicate and it is my intention to reflect that polyglotism in this unconventional virtual publication. With the dissemination of the texts, I will take the opportunity to try to collaborate in the imposition of the correct spelling of Spanish and Portuguese, especially -whatever the variety- which is the one I use, I think it is a transcendental issue that has not been respected by the vast majority of users of Spanish or Portuguese users when writing, in addition to the correct spelling that with certain textual authors unfamiliar with the rules of language academies, it has become a brothel where everyone enters and does what they wants. As for Spanish, I use the European standard Spanish or "Castilian". In the case of Portuguese, I use a mixture between American and European Portuguese, you may be wondering why I have indicated both varieties of the Portuguese language, it is because at this point of my study of the two geolects I like to mix the Brazilian forms with the Portuguese ones, it is a much more interesting and funny result. Even so, do not think that I do not know how to discriminate the Portuguese forms from the Brazilian, alright? In the case of English I also mix American and British English, and in the case of French I use only the European variety. For the comfort and convenience of the Readers you can discriminate; topics, through the thematic bookmarks located at the end of each blog entries; and languages, through idiomatic bookmarks located in the black menu at the top and in the bookmarks present at the end of each publication.

Like so many other philologists and translatologists, in addition to researching and writing about these sciences, I offer linguistic, language translation and interpreting, and textual editing services; to individuals, companies and institutions. My working languages are Spanish or Castilian, Portuguese (European and American), English, and sometimes also French. For more information, access the services section (cf.) and get in touch.

Presumptuous Reader, this is a warning for navigators: Before continuing with your reading, you should be aware of a few not trivial things. I inform you of a maxim that says something like "my blog, my rules". These rules are perfectly defined and compiled in the section called legal notice (cf.), it would be convenient for you to take a look as in that way you will be aware of the limitations and consequences that exist in the use of this blog and all its content, products and services. Hoping that the content you find here and its form is to your liking, it is not one of my intentions, I am not worried about the fact that my writing does not get the approval of a majority or that it does not enter the canon of Harold Bloom -on the contrary, it relieves me-. That is why the purpose of "de-automating" your perception to give you aesthetic pleasure I do not have it at all, my fingers type with imperious inertness and eccentric debauchery, there is nothing you can do about it.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy (Shakespeare, 1601)

Without further delay of this preface, I hope you make a useful reading, receive cordial greetings.