Looking for a linguist, a translator or an editor?

Have a look on my portfolio.

Something about me

I am a postgraduate linguist and translator with a passion for human communication and a few years of professional experience. My academic journey has led me to focus on Philology and Translatology. In the field of philological studies, I have explored both theoretical and applied linguistics, particularly in foreign language education. Additionally, I find literary theory tremendously fascinating and inspiring. In respect of Translatology, I deepen my knowledge in specialized translation and machine translation, two areas of paramount importance nowadays. Since 2016, I do offer linguistic and translation services to individuals, companies, and institutions through this website, where I also publish various personal posts and publications of diverse type, content, and consideration. Normally, these texts are related to my areas of expertise and written in several languages. I hope you find my blog and its content interesting, and of course, do not hesitate to contact me if you require anything.

Philology & Applied Linguistics

Equally keen on Linguistics and Literature, nevertheless specialised in teaching modern foreign languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French).

Translatology & Translation

Translation and interpreting services: General, audiovisual, technical, specialised, certified (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French).

Edition & Publishing

Textual editing and proofreading services: Orthograpic, orthotypographic, grammatical and textual style (Spanish and Portuguese only).


Here you can find my latest existing publications or projects.

Sobre a lusofonia

Sobre a lusofonia

Theoretical and linguistic essay (in Portuguese)

Tratado que tem por objetivo analisar e dilucidar de forma realista, equânime e pragmática, uma questão de uma transcendência significativa para as comunidades de língua portuguesa: A Lusofonia e o estado em que se encontra na atualidade, através da crítica de operatividade da instituição que a salvaguarda -a Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa ou CPLP- e a sua norma coesiva -o Acordo Ortográfico do português-. Sabemos que atualmente já não há uma língua portuguesa, há línguas em português. É isto conveniente?

Sobre la muerte del autor

Sobre la muerte del autor

Theoretical and literary essay (in Spanish)

Tratado que tiene por objetivo descubrir quién fue el Autor, analizar qué papel le fue atribuido a lo largo de la historia, y averiguar las razones de su eliminación en el siglo XX por el movimiento de la deconstrucción literaria. Todo eso a la luz de los precedentes y asumiendo posteriormente la instauración de una nueva realidad cultural donde el Lector, aun huérfano del proceso de comunicación, adquiere entonces accidentalmente la incumbencia íntegra del diasistema lingüístico. La escritura es la destrucción de toda voz, el Autor entra en su propia muerte, nace el Lector. ¿Y ahora qué?